GC42 – Day 3


This really is something that I seem to be saying a lot these last three days and I imagine that it will come from my lips many more times. Whenever we gather in plenary our time is grounded in worship.

This morning, Spirit breath moved among us in word, dance, song and silence.

GC42 – Day 3

Our Worship Reflects

WorshipAs has been the case from the beginning, our worship reflects the multi-cultural nature of the church and so there are many languages spoken reminding us that we are a rich and diverse group called to live in relationship with one another. As a group stood to sing in Shona, it was a powerful example of how even if one does not understand the words one can be transported to a place of deep spirit.

The reflection on the word invited us to hear again the story of our peoples movement from bondage into freedom, to see our ancestors as they stood at the edge of the sea and cried. They wondered why they would be led out into this place to face certain death. Not unlike where we find ourselves again in this time.

We are on the waters edge.

It will take great courage and risk to move but move we must.

This took us into the business of the day where we would need to begin discerning the spirit’s movement among us and decide whether or not we  move.

Sessional Committee

The Sessional Committe shared their wisdom gathered over the last four days as they wrestled with the comprehensive Review and the many proposals that the church has written in response to that. Today has been a time of setting the stage – reviewing the information; forming and attempting to answer questions. Time spent in our table groups allowed us to dialogue with one another and frame our understandings and thoughts.

Aboriginal Ministries Report

The Aboriginal Ministries report was  received and we heard from the members of this group who are working diligently on our behalf to live out our apology to our First Nations brothers and sisters. We were introduced to the many global, ecumenical and inter-faith partners who join us for this time together and had the opportunity to hear one of our global partners who shared with us these words–

“Today God is calling. We are called to be witnesses to the gospel. Constructors of the reign of God in Canada and in the world. Without a doubt I know that Canada needs this church. Needs this church to be yeast. – united, strong, and committed to the cause. Don’t let your heart be troubled Jesus said. Theresa of Avil said, Those who have God lack for nothing. God alone is enough.”

Food for Thought

Throughout the day we heard from those who are the candidates for Moderator. They shared their passion and love for this church. They shared their vision for the next three years and left us with much food for thought.

Youth Pilgrims

Our day concluded with a word from our youth pilgrims who made their way across this country to arrive in Corner Brook for this meeting.

They shared the view of the world that they experienced. One that feels like family.

To us this world is authentically beautiful. We also know that there are hard times. Sometimes we live in a valley of dry domes and our bones become brittle. Sometimes in life there is pain. But today we invite you to soak in the rain that renews and refreshs our world. Let your roots deepen into the soil of our faith, trusting in the promise of new life.

We come together in this place to celebrate the living breathing ecosystem that is the church. We celebrate the thriving interconnections in this web of life.

We invite you to journey with us into this new world. To have the courage to walk through the doors.  Together.


The Pilgrims shared what they were thankful for about the church:

  • the sense of community
  • our church is a church that breaks down walls
  • having our indigenous people and allowing us to continue our traitional teachings
  • the ecumenical relations but also the inter faith connections that we are making more and more
  • the generosity
  • our unique and rich history

One young man shared with us words from the heart about the church and the future of the church. He reflected on the the fears he felt as he heard the work of the Comprehensive Review and how he felt that he was standing on the edge of a cliff. From there he moved into a place of deep passion and spoke of a church that is filled with life and possibility.

It is not possible for me to capture what was said but I can share what was felt. For some of us there were tears in our eyes and a fire in our souls that burned more brightly with every word he spoke. The spirit was tangible and you could feel it weaving in and through and among us.

When he ended everyone in the room rose from their chairs and onto their feet and the clapping and amens were deafening.

This is our church!!!!

Thanks be to God



© 2015 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury
Graphics by: Beulah Bouzane, BCI-Esolutions.com

GC42 – Day 3 View the Proceedings

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