Take The Time You Need

Saturday, on the drive to work, I stopped to buy a watch. Through the doors of the local department store I walked and the first thing I saw was a porch swing on sale. I have wanted one of these for a long time and each season I have looked and then talked myself out of buying, saying “Maybe Next Year”.  But on Saturday I did not stop to think. I walked straight to the cashier and said “I want to buy that swing!”

The urge to write

On Sunday afternoon Mark and I assembled the swing and situated it in its place behind the fire pit and facing the river. Swing in place, I sat and gazed over the beauty and wonder of the scene before me. That is when it happened! I suddenly felt the urge to write and thoughts began to form in my mind. Now, those who know me well are probably thinking 

“Valerie, that is not strange. You always write, especially on the river.”

But, here’s the thing – I have not felt the call to write in a year. I have not opened my journal or taken the pen in my hand.

Looking out over the water I began to think about a story that comes to us in our sacred story. Jesus had sent the disciples out to do ministry. When they returned they told him all about it and then he said to them

“Come away a while and rest.”

Then they got into a boat and headed out for some much needed rest and renewal.

A Year Ago

A year ago, in a whirlwind decision, Mark and I sold our home, said goodbye to family and friends, and made the trip across the water to begin a new chapter! In the midst of the excitement I don’t think I fully realized how much I was in need of a rest. But Spirit certainly did! I literally boarded the boat and came away to rest. Nestled in the home of my ancestors; feeling the heartbeat of mother earth as I walked the land; soaking up the beauty of Creator as I watched the sun rise and set; and hearing the Divine melody sung by the wind and waves and creatures of the air, my soul was slowly being refreshed and renewed.

Take the Time You Need

I never did get my watch but time has opened up before me! Who knows what writing will now begin to flow again!

My Spirit sings and this I know
My every need is filled.
My soul finds rest, my mind is clear
The ground of life is tilled.

My prayer is that you also might be fed as spirit weaves through your life. Take the time you need to rest and may you be renewed.


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