A Difficult Time BUT …

This morning I spent some time reading the response of the Toronto Conference regarding the review of Rev. Greta Vosper. Then the comments posted about that decision. Toronto Conference has called upon the National Church to conduct a formal hearing and then a final decision will be made. This is a difficult time for the church but it is also a time of growing and refining who we are and what we believe.

Two Sides to Every Story

As I read the comments I was struck again by the fact that we really are a diverse church and this is our greatest strength and our greatest weakness. For those who believe that Greta should leave the church, the answer is clear and for  those who believe she should stay, the answer is just as clear. Then I began to think, isn’t this the case with almost everything that we deal with in life?  The answers are never easy. There are always two sides (or more) to every story. The stand we take is influenced by what we have been taught, what we believe, the culture that has been ours. For those who find themselves in the position of having to make a ruling on this issue, I pray courage, strength and grace.

The Time To Talk Openly And Honestly

For those of us who are watching and listening perhaps this might be a time to think about what it is that we believe. Ultimately this is something that we should be continually doing as we move and grow and strive to become. As a result of what is happening to Greta Vosper, some are suggesting that  we can no longer talk openly about our  beliefs, particularly if they differ from the mainstream, or what is understood to be the party line. I would suggest that the opposite is true. Now is the time for us to talk openly and honestly, to explore more diligently. It is only when we do this that we are really able to understand who we are.

Never Be Afraid To …

My prayer is that we, who journey together in faith, might never be afraid to ask our questions, share our doubts, face our fears, and be open to diversity.


Yes ~ a difficult time for our church but it is also a time of
growing and refining who we are and what we believe.
My prayer is that we, who journey together in faith,
might never be afraid to …

ask our questions,
share our doubts,
face our fears, and
be open to diversity.

© 2016 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury.  All rights reserved.