At the Beginning

As I sat at my desk this morning and opened my devotions for the day it opened to a page entitled “ At the Beginning of the Day”. Rather appropriate, I thought, since here I was beginning. I read through the reflections and was reminded of all the wonders that are just around the corner and all the opportunities that lay in my path to really connect with the Divine. So often we rise in the morning and race headlong into the day without taking the time to breathe the breath that gives us life. So often we are so busy with the things of life that we fail to stop and see the wonders and blessings that surround us. So often we are so overwhelmed with the responsibilities and duties of home and work that our eyes are blurred and we are unable to see the Christ as he walks among us. So as you begin this day I invite you pause a moment, breathe deeply. Feel yourself connecting with the energy of the Universe. Allow it to make it’s way through every part of your being.

Donal Harrington offers us this prayer as we begin the day

On this day, Lord, I welcome you into my heart. I create a space within
And acknowledge your presence at the core of my being.

Thank you for the gift of this day,
For the restful sleep that has prepared me for the day’s journey
Thank you for the rising sun
That has invited me to enter into the delights that lie ahead.

As I go forth into this day
Let me carry with me the joy of resurrection
May this joy encourage me to embrace the opportunities of this day.
May it enable me to venture into the unknown, into the new

In my coming and in my going this day
May I greet all as Christ.
Give me the vision to see the many ways Christ will present to me.
Let me not pass him by in stranger or in friend
Let me words and actions today be ones direct and inspired by Christ

Lord bless this day for me and  for everyone
As I begin it, mindful of the resurrection
May I end it thankful for the life and growth
That the joy of resurrection led me to this day.

May your day be filled with possibilities and opportunities and may you carry with you the joy of resurrection
