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Soul Songs

Soul Songs

Title: Soul Songs
Price $5

Author: Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury
© 2018 Valerie Peyton Kingsbury. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written permission of the author.

A Reflection on the Psalms. In this book the author shares her collection of poems that were inspired by the Psalms and written as morning meditations while sitting on the banks of her beloved river.

Worship Ready II

Worship Ready IITitle:  Worship Ready II
Price:  $15

Author:  Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury
© 2022 Valerie Peyton Kingsbury

A book of 70 ready-to-use worship services. It is a resource that can be used as is or adapted as you wish.

From the Author:

It has been my experience as well, that leading worship can be intimidating for those without training. Yet situations arise that require lay folk to step in and provide leadership. I have often been called upon to provide resources for such times particularly regarding the meditation time.

In 2016 the first Worship Ready was published and has been used by countless people as they have been called upon to lead. During the Pandemic I began to write all the services so that they could be given to folks without computer access in written form. As a result of this I accumulated a year and a half of services. In the pages that follow you will find the results of this time. I offer them to you as a resource. Please feel free to change, adapt or use as they are written.

Worship Ready

Worship Ready

Title: Worship Ready
Price: $15

Author: Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury with Christopher Bowman
© 2016 Valerie Peyton Kingsbury and Christoper Bowman. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this product is strictly prohibited.

This book, Worship Ready, is a collection of 53 worship services and some additional liturgical resources. Perfect for any worship leader.

From the Authors:

Worship is central to the life and work of the community of faith. As we gather each week it is a time of challenge, growth, spiritual renewal, comfort and peace. From this space we are then empowered to move out into the world and continue the ministry and mission of Christ.

Every community must create a worship experience that speaks to their context and culture. For us that has meant a combination of tradition and alternative. The order of service follows a familiar pattern each week which provides a sense of comfort for people enabling them to enter into a place of learning and growing. Within that structure we have created opportunities to experiment and move as the spirit calls us to move.

Creating Spaces

Creating Spaces

Title: Creating Spaces for Healing and Hope
Price $10

Author: Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury

For 31 years Rev. Valerie has served in Pastoral Ministry in a variety of communities in Nova Scotia. Palliative Care has been an integral part of her ministry and she has had the privilege of travelling with many as they completed their earthly journey. This book tells some of her stories and shares the insights she’s learned along the way.

A powerful book of faith, Creating Spaces for Healing and Hope challenges you to consider your own path.  Perhaps you are dealing with loss or grief, or are living with death.  If so, you may find part of yourself within the pages of this book.  Perhaps you will know a moment of peace, or recognition, or a sense that you are not alone.  If you are someone being called upon to accompany another on the journey, maybe the stories will open your being to the possibilities such an honour affords.  If you are neither of these but simply interested and curious, perhaps you will find something unexpected and know a moment of grace.

Free Resource

Monologues - Lenten Series

Holy Week Monologues in the voices of women who were there

This is a series of monologues that take us through the final week of Jesus life. The stories are told in the voices of women who were there. As we move from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday these stories invite us to hear anew the ancient words and see through a new lens.

I am pleased to offer the series as a free resource. Click here to download.


Other Publications

My collection of music (songs and lyrics) can be found on

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