Called Into Action

Some 2000 years ago Jesus of Nazareth was asked a question “ What must I do to inherit eternal life?”. Jesus responded with what has come to be known as the great commandment.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind and Love your neighbour as yourself.”

Who Is My Neighbour?

The person making this inquiry needed to know more and so asked Jesus ‘Who is my neighbour?”. It is then that Jesus enters story telling mode and tells what many of us know as the Parable of the Good Samaritan. The story has a number of participants –

  • the man who was robbed and left for dead;
  • the priest;
  • the Levite;
  • the Samaritan;
  • and the innkeeper.

Jesus tells the story and essentially reveals the actions associated with being a good neighbour. It highlights that a neighbour is not defined as someone we necessarily know; is not necessarily someone who shares our world view; is not someone who necessarily shares our belief system. A neighbour is any fellow human being we encounter on the journey and we are called to love all our neighbours as ourselves.

Extended Boundaries

In the time that Jesus walked the earth the encounters with others were pretty much confined to the region in which they lived. In our day those boundaries have extended due in large part to improved transportation and technology. In both cases the message of Jesus is the same – we are neighbours with all our brothers and sisters regardless of who they are, where they live, what they believe and we are called to reach out to one another in love, care, and compassion.

nepalThe Tragedy

This story and its message seems particularly important for us to hear this day as we listen to the tragedy that has taken place far from here and we are being called upon to live out the Gospel call to be good neighbours. As, I am sure, we are all aware of the  devastating earthquake in Nepal. To date there are 4000 plus confirmed dead and many others still listed as missing. Alongside that are the countless people who now find themselves homeless, grieving and living out a nightmare that will simply not go away.

Called Into Action

The people of the world have been called into action as we, who are able, send relief workers, goods and resources, and financial assistance. As member of the United Church of Canada we too are being asked to be good neighbours. Funds have already been forwarded to our partners in Nepal to aid with emergencies and donations are being received so that those funds can increase.

To read more about the churches response and the way that you can contribute go to

There are many on the roadside in need of care and compassion may we be empowered to live out the gospel.


© 2015 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury. All rights reserved.