This morning on the way to work I received a message that a dear friend of mine had died. Immediately my being was flooded with memories of her and of her husband who had opened both their hearts and their home to me and my family. It did not matter the time of day or night, I could walk into the house and was greeted with hugs, food if I was hungry, a comfy chair to sit in and rest, or a bed to sleep in and always conversation that ranged from silly to serious. Although we are now separated by a body of water I can still see Margaret’s smile, I can hear her words of wisdom and feel her unconditional love.
As I sit now and reflect, I am reminded of just how blessed I have been in my journey by the people who have come into my life, either briefly or forever. Among them are a few whose beings are etched into my heart in a way that is unexplainable. Margaret was and is one such person. Not only was my life changed when our lives became intertwined, the world is indeed a better place because she lived. She has left a mark on the lives of family, friends and community that will continue to influence life for years to come.
Celebrating a Life Lived
So today, amidst the ache that comes when a loved one dies, I celebrate a life lived faithfully and fully. I give thanks for lessons learned, love given and received, laughter shared, and faith lived.
In my remembering I was drawn back to a piece that I wrote in 2009. I leave it with you now.
Memories on the Wind
The sun shining, and a gentle breeze blowing
Trees swaying and a fire burning.
On the wind, the voices of so many
Their stories woven into mine.
I recall their strengths, struggles, hopes and hears;
Their words of compassion, wisdom, love.
Blessed souls who have touched my life
And shaped my world
Images come to mind as I recall their journeys:
A rock, still water, raging storms
Boiled dinners, hands held, songs sung;
A cup of tea, laughter ringing in the air,
Deep silence, dragon flies, an eagle soaring,
Books, a gentle smile, dancing,
A warm embrace.
Images that have been crafted into my mosaic,
Like stained glass pieced together.
Each story placed beside another,
The edges merge to become one.
The sun shines into the windows of my soul
I see and feel the gift I have been given
I am truly blessed
