Along the path I noticed that every plant is different and it got me thinking about the Book of Job
“Ask the plants and they will teach you”.
It is that in-between time of the seasons. Spring has sprung yet residual amounts of colder days remain. The mornings here are cold. Truth be told, many of the days are as well, but the bitterness is just a little softer. Each morning I have been walking and I see both the barrenness of the landscape and the signs of hope as the buds are cracking open. Every now and then comes a ray of sunshine through the clouds and the scene before me changes. With this comes a sense of wonderment at creations resilience and its ability to speak of life and death in the same breath.
On the path that I walk I have been watching the pussy willows. Over the last couple of days what strikes me is that the rate of growth and the blossoming is different for each plant. Side by side they stand yet some are tightly nestled in their winter cocoon; others are peaking through as if trying to decide if it is yet time; and still others are fully out, puffy and white, braving the elements and thriving.

Evan the Plants Teach Us
There is a line in the book of Job that comes to mind for me
“ask the plants and they will teach you.”
And so I began to think about what these pussy willows might be saying to me. What I hear is a story about humanities unfolding. People, like this plant, do not grow and become at the same rate. Some of us require a longer period of rest and perhaps more assurance before we are able to fully emerge. Some of us need more or less water for our nourishment. We stand side by side but can only become our own true selves at the time and in the way that is right for us.
May we each receive what we need, take the time that we need, to become all that we are meant to be.