Have you ever had one of those mornings when you have so much stuff you need to accomplish that you can’t even focus? Well, today was that for me! I arrived at the office and my mind was racing. I needed to
write Wednesday Wonderings;
- complete an application for a project we are hoping to do;
- fill out forms for Presbytery;
- respond to emails AND
that was just the beginning!!
My mind was so full that I did not know where to start!
Chris and I were chatting and he suggested that we go out in the sun and take a walk around the block. Perfect! No pen and paper! No computers! No phones! Just walking and talking.
It did the trick!
Upon our return
we proceeded to design the 6 worship services we needed for a Conference in June. Done!
I completed the application,
filled out the forms for Presbytery,
had a visit with a member of the congregation and ,
just because it was time, I rearranged the office!
Ministry Doesn’t Just Stop
As I drove home for lunch, reflecting on the morning, a story from our ancient text came to mind. The story can be found in Mark, chapter 6. The disciples had just returned from doing the things that Jesus had sent them out to do. They were sitting and telling Jesus all about it when Jesus suggested
“Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.”
So they went out into a boat and made their way to the other side. The story doesn’t tell how long the boat ride was, minutes or hours, but it was long enough. Ministry doesn’t just stop and when they arrived on the other shore the crowds were there. The story continues that they came ashore and Jesus again began to teach. In true church fashion the whole thing ended with a meal!
Simply STOP! Breathe Deeply!
Sometimes, in the busyness of our lives we become overwhelmed, tired and unfocused. It happens to all of us. It is then that we must
“come away by ourselves and rest a while.”
We must simply stop – go for a walk or a boat ride. The work is still there but our ability to deal with it changes. It really doesn’t have to be that long, just a reprieve so that we can clear our minds, calm our souls and refocus.
So if you find yourself running in circles and the “to do´ list seems oh so long, take a minute or two and breathe deeply the breath of life. Then begin again!
© 2017 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury. All rights reserved.
You hit the nail on the head, great words Valerie!!keep them coming!!