In the midst of lockdown, as difficult as it is, one of the gifts for me has been my backyard. We have been busy watching the pheasant who joins us most mornings, the crows who are singing every day as I do my morning spiritual practice, the squirrel that runs back and forth across the tree branch leading to the bird feeders; the cardinals, blue jays, morning doves, finches, and random other birds that come and go throughout the day.
Then there is the fox with her babies that entertain us from time to time; the occasional deer that wonder in; and the ground hog who lives under the shed. In regular times we are often too busy to pay attention to this wonderful array of creation that resides just outside our doors and I realize how much we miss!

I am reminded that we are surrounded by such beauty and the bird songs fill my soul with wonder. These are the things that bring hope for me in situations that sometimes feel very heavy and finding hope is hard.
The Majesty of the World
(based on Psalm 8) From Soul Songs
How majestic is the world in which I live!
The creatures of the earth unite
to sing a melody of praise.
Holy Mystery resounds with every note.
I look skyward – I see the sun and moon
I look around – I see the wonder of the world.
The vastness of creation
I can scarcely comprehend.
Who am I in the midst of this?
Created in the image of divine
This wonder has been entrusted to me
to tend and care for
to nurture
to love.
How majestic is the world in which I live!
In this time of pausing, may you have eyes to see the beauty that surrounds you; may you have the ears to hear creations song and may the majesty and wonder of the world fill your soul with love.