You know that feeling … when you get the Blahs. Well, that’s where I was earlier this week and then the light shone and something good came from the ashes of blahness.
Pause for Thought
The sun is shining, the air is crisp and it is beautiful inside looking out. And it is good! There have been many days over the last two years when days have felt very heavy and, like most, I am just about done with this whole COVID stuff. So, when a day like today happens I am reminded that
things are not as dark as they sometimes seem;
that , even in the midst of difficulties, there are things to be thankful for; and
that ultimately life is good.
Now it isn’t only the sun that has given me pause for thanksgiving and lightened my soul.
First of all there is the journey that we, here at First, have begun with a ministry student out of the Atlantic School of Theology. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to join in this kind of discernment and learning. Good for him, good for us and good for me. I have missed being a part of this kind of journey. It has been a few years since I last had a student of the school with whom I could grow. There are so many opportunities. This morning I will be be gathering with Kevin and his Lay Resource Team here for our initial gathering and this brings me great joy.
From the Ashes of my Blahness
Secondly, at the beginning of the week I was having the Blah’s about worship. I found myself complaining about the lectionary, the on-line only platform and the lack of inspiration. Then it happened! Spirit moved, as it always does, and excitement began to grow! A new series for the next five weeks and then a series to focus on through Lent rose from the ashes of my Blahness. Chris and I began to imagine what these would look like, A new hymn was born! And what we would do over the coming weeks began to take shape.

Finally, when I arrived at the office this morning I found a card that had been dropped off for me from a member of the congregation. It was just the icing on the cake! A brief, hand-written note, just saying thank you and offering me a few words of encouragement and care. I am blessed indeed. And it is good.
My prayer for you is that you will find those moments where the light shines in, your soul is fed and it is good.