It is not over. This is now the beginning. We will make ready for what comes next and will step out in faith. Let us step out on this new road.
Yesterday a small group gathered to undecorate the church. This is always the moment that I hate each year because when it is all said and done the sanctuary looks so empty and there is a sense that it is all over, at least for another year when we will, for a short period of time, take it all out again. I remind myself though that it is not over. This is now the beginning. We make ready for what comes next. And we don’t know for sure what that is but we step out in faith to follow the light into the world.
Ann Weems shares these thoughts in a piece called “It’s Not Over”
It is Not Over
It is not over, this birthing
There are always newer skies into which God can throw stars.
When we begin to think that we can predict the Advent of God
that we can box Christ in a stable in Bethlehem,
that is jus the time that God will be born
in a place we can’t imagine and won’t believe.
Those who wait for God
watch with their hearts and not their eyes
always listening
for angel words.

So let us step onto this new road, watching with our hearts, that we might see the stars that are thrown into the skies lighting the way for us. May we be open to spirit and be ready to receive Divine reality as it is born over and over again through us.