Live with Gratitude – Not Negativity

Feeling defeated, discouraged, unappreciated, alone? We can give in to negativity but if we stop to count our blessings, it is easy to live with gratitude.

Over the last few days I have been reading a lot of posts in one of the chat groups I belong to that are focused on what is wrong – with the church, with families of faith, with the community, Many are feeling defeated, discouraged, unappreciated and alone. Negativity abounds! And, there are many things in our lives and in the community and indeed, in the world that can cause us to despair. We are living through a time when facing homelessness is a reality for many; where the cost of living has many struggling to make it through another day; and then there is the threat of COVID that has many isolating themselves still. But if this is all we see and this becomes our main focus then I fear we will collapse completely.

I believe that taking the time to count our blessings helps us to see beyond the wall of negativity and can infuse our beings with light and love. When we do this, the positive energy changes our reality from one of scarcity to abundance; from darkness to light; from impossibilities to possibilities; and from despair to hope. So this morning I would like to share some of the blessings for which I am deeply grateful.

  • the excitement and joy that is present when a new project begins to take shape and there is commitment to see it through
  • the laughter that rings in the office almost every day
  • when a call goes out for help and 15 plus people show up and the job is done in a half an hour
  • the generosity of my faith family over the Christmas Season and throughout the year
  • the stories shared around a table as colleagues gather for fellowship and support
  • the ability we have to respond to, and help a little, through the Ida Webster Fund

And these are just the things that come to mind as I reflect on the last couple of weeks. There are so many more! Like the roof over my head, the food on my table, my children and grandchildren, my friends, The opportunities I have been given to grow and change and commune deeply with spirit…….

My prayer for each of you, is that despite the difficulties you will be able to see the light that shines and be blessed . I invite you over the next week to begin your day by naming the things for which you are grateful and see what a difference it makes in your daily living.
