Living Out Our Creed

Touching Lives Around the World

bread-not-stones_Page_01As we enter into this season of Christmas with its emphasis on family and on giving I have been thinking about this Church that has shaped how I live out my call to ministry and my thoughts turned to the Mission and Service Fund. This Fund is a foundational part of who we are as a church and how we understand mission and ministry.  Through the givings generated by this Fund we are able to touch the lives of individuals here at home and around the world with love, care, compassion, healing , and hope.

globeWe are present in 25 countries with 15 overseas personnel and work with 88 global partners. In living out our call to be seekers of justice and reconciliation we  provide core operational and emergency funding to our partners around the world so that they can be all that they are called to be and are empowered to carry out God’s mission in their communities.

In Canada and Abroad

We are present in communities across Canada supporting community and justice ministries and seeking right relationships. This includes 75 community ministries serving people in areas such as employment training, housing, food , clothing and counselling; 39 chaplaincies in universities, hospitals and communities; 20 ecumenical agencies; 6 theological colleges and 4 educational centres; 141 grants for programs for youth; 86 churches  serving people through worship, pastoral care , education and mission; and 13 Conferences working with presbyteries, pastoral charges and ministry personnel.



When I think about the breadth of this Fund and the people whose lives are touched and transformed as a result of it I cannot help but say “ WOW!”. Through this we are connected as family  around the world and together we are the body of Christ!

In the Mandate Magazine these words are found:

Ministries and programs enabled by our generous gifts for Mission and Service are the United Church’s way of living out our Creed

We are called to the Church
to celebrate God’s presence
to live with respect in creation
to love and serve others
to seek justice and resist evil
to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen,
our judge and our hope.

Every gift for Mission and Service is used wisely, helps to transform lives, and provides healing and hope to people in Canada and around the world.

Thanks be to God!
