Holy Week Monologues
This is a series of monologues that take us through the final week of Jesus life. The stories are told in the voices of women who were there. As we move from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday these stories invite us to hear anew the ancient words and see through a new lens.
Palm Sunday is the first in the seven part series.
Click here to download the full series. I am pleased to offer it as a free resource.
Palm Sunday
It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining and we had gathered on the banks of the Jordon River. We were here at the invitation of John, known as the Baptist. His words had spoken to our family and we knew it was time to refocus and reclaim our faith. That was the first time I saw Jesus of Nazareth. He was just one in the crowd wanting also to be baptized. I had no idea the impact he would have on my life and indeed the world. We left the river and it was some time before I saw him again.
I heard that he was teaching in the countryside and that is when I saw him again. This time it was on a mountainside and there were thousands gathered. He had a presence and air about him that caused you to really stop and listen. He spoke of blessings, comfort, hope, mercy, righteousness and peace. His words touched the inner most part of my being and I knew that I could not simply sit on the sidelines. I decided I would join the others who walked with him. He did not mind that I was a woman, in fact, he accepted me and treated me with respect and dignity. I learned quickly that I was not alone. His followers included many other women including his mother, Mary.
The story that I want to share with you today took place just a week before he was killed. Although, on that day we did not know for certain the severity of the situation. Like so many others we were making our way to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of Passover. We neared the city, came upon a community well and stopped. We had been traveling for some time and a rest was needed so we were pleased when our group came to a standstill. I drew a cup of water to hand to Jesus. He called James and John and told them they were to go ahead of us into the city, find a donkey and bring it back. The request seemed rather strange but we learned long ago that Jesus usually had a purpose. James questioned where they would find this donkey and how, on earth, were they going to convince its owner to let them have it. Jesus assured them that it would all work out and, of course, it did. They left and we waited.
By the time they returned the crowd of pilgrims had begun to grow. We still did not understand what Jesus was going to do with the donkey but I remember thinking that something was about to happen and Jesus intended to make a statement that would not soon be forgotten. Some of us tried to convince him to rethink whatever he was about to do. You see, Jesus had been under the scrutiny of the authorities and it was whispered that they were seeing to kill him. Another scene would not be taken well. Once Jesus decided though, there wasn’t much that we could do but follow.
The minute he sat on the donkey, I knew! The voices of the ancestors echoed in my being
“Rejoice greatly O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold your King is coming to you. He is just and endowed with salvation. Humble and mounted on a donkey. I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim and the horse from Jerusalem and the bow of war will be cut off. He will speak peace to the nations and his dominion will be from sea to sea.”
We processed into the city, the crowds were getting larger and excitement was mounting. It was obvious that I was not the only one who remembered the ancestor’s words – palms were waving and cloaks were strewn on the road, as Jesus passed through the crowds shouted….
I watched and knew that the tides had changed. There would be no turning back and deep down I knew that there would be more to come in the days ahead. Tension and excitement mingled together and I wondered what the consequences would be. Jesus spoke truth to power and risked everything. On that day, he began a revolution, giving all that he had to bring his dream to life. We were swept up in his vision and he invited us to do as he did. It would mean commitment, determination and risk – moving from words to action.
What he asked of us 2000 years ago he also asks of you.
Are you ready?
© 2019 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury.