Open your door. Remove the masks and the costumes. Your were created in the image of Divine goodness. Allow yourself to be all that creation meant for you.
At the beginning of Advent I invited folks to join me in daily meditation on our youtube channel. We have been focusing on “Opening the Door” to our authentic self. The journey has been, and will continue, to be, a time of opening those doors of fear and uncertainty that can free us to be all that we are created to be. It is only when we are our truest selves that we can live with fullness and integrity.
This morning I received a message from a very important person in my life. They shared news about opening their door and finding peace with who they are and it filled me with such joy! I have watched this person struggle all their life and to hear their words of truth was like winning a million dollars.
Jesus was all about opening doors. He opened the eyes of the blind, the ears of the deaf and the doors of the imprisoned. Each of these stories , I believe, speaks not about physical healing but about deep spiritual growth and freedom. Jesus invites us to clear away the clutter that prevents us from seeing ourselves and others; to open our ears to listen intently to who we are created and called to be; and to step out of the prisons that society has created binding us to a particular way of being that only serves to hurt us at our deepest core. Each of us makes the journey to our authentic self in our own way. The important part is to make it. If we do not it only serves to hurt us and others as we live behind closed doors, wear masks to please others and suffocate ourselves; and we fall deeper and deeper into a pit of despair.
Open Your Door

So my prayer is that you might open your door and breathe fresh air. Rid yourself of the masks and costumes that have hidden who you are and celebrate that you are created in the image and likeness of Divine goodness. You are beautiful and you are loved.