Learning, growing, changing – all these things happen in a variety of ways as we make this journey of life and faith. Sometimes it means opening ourselves to new information by reading and listening. Sometimes it happens as we meet new people and develop relationships that open new possibilities and understandings for us. Sometimes it happens as we move outside our comfort zone and find ourselves in new places and situations that stretch us.
Our learnings might reinforce what we already know and believe; or they may offer us an unexpected experience that touches us with insight and wonder. In our journey of becoming all that we are called to be, the important part is that we do all that we can to gain understanding, ground our convictions, expand our horizons, and deepen our relationship with the Sacred. This is not easy. It is far easier to stick to what is familiar and to what we know. This provides a sense of security but it also means that we miss so much and we become fixed and stagnant.
Sunday you were invited to step outside your comfort zone as we entered a time of worship in a different space and in a slightly different format. Thank you to all of you who dared to take this journey. Perhaps you left feeling blessed in some way and perhaps you left thinking “ that was okay but I don’t want to do that again”. Both are wonderful in the experience of becoming. Sometimes even when we don’t really like something there are still moments of connection and amazing grace. I am not a big fan of Taizé Worship and it certainly is not the way that I would like to worship on a regular basis. However while attending the General Council in 2000 I was invited to step outside my place of comfort and to worship in this way as we discerned all of the issues coming before our church. What I experienced was an amazing presence of the Sacred in the midst of very difficult discussions. I felt the presence and power of the Holy Spirit that was tangible as we connected to one another and allowed Divine energy to flow through us. This opportunity helped me to form my thoughts and ground my actions in a way that enabled me to grow and learn and transform. When we dare to open the doors and allow the unexpected to enter there lies the possibility of things beyond our imagining.
The Open Doorway ~ by Jyoti Sabi
The closed door locks in our deepest fears.
Shuts out the thief, the maimed, the stranger,
Protects us both from light and danger,
Saves us from the unwelcomed guest
Who may demand attention, disturb our rest.
Threaten and claim our most precious lives.
But closed doors seal us in our own tight fists.
Unlock our hearts, draw back the bolts
Roll stones away
For the open doorway’s wide embrace
Welcomes all unafraid and undismayed
And so makes possible movements of grace.
As we continue on the journey together may we be open to the movement of grace among us.
October 2, 2014
© 2014 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury