Perhaps We Will Be Transformed

A few weeks ago Kaleigh said she needed to make a prayer labyrinth for the Intermediates program at Conference.

“We can do that, can’t we Mom?”

And so began the journey. In the process of cleaning out the prop room, Kaleigh found a mountain of material so we decided to use it to create the base. We poured over the material and began cutting it into pieces. Of course it was already different shapes and sizes so we had to make them fit together

Then came the sewing and the decisions around how big it needed to be. My office became a sewing room and the gym provided the space to lay out the creation and watch it grow.  Saturday, Sunday, Monday and finally Tuesday and the base is now complete. Step two will be painting the labyrinth on the canvas we have created.

History of the Prayer Labyrinth

The history of the prayer labyrinth can be traced back some 3500 years and is found in a variety of cultures. It is a sacred path to the divine and to a transformation of the human spirit. Walking the labyrinth involves three stages –

release, receive and return.

People who walk it talk about enlightenment, realignment with the universe and being empowered to accomplish the work of the soul.

A Prayer Walk

This whole process of creating the canvas for the labyrinth has been very much like a prayer walk. When we started we released ideas and pictures of what the base should look like and what colour it should be and we opened ourselves to the possibilities that lay before us. As we poured over the fabric we allowed each piece to speak to us and were guided by their shapes and colours. For me, the coming together of the fabric was like watching a flower open up to full bloom before my eyes. Throughout the journey there were moments of joy as it took shape and came together; there was a connection with spirit that brought a smile to my lips and peace to my soul. Since the whole thing has not reached completion I have not yet returned but remain open to receive whatever else surfaces along the way.

Perhaps We Will Be Transformed

In the Christian community, today marks the beginning of Lent. At some point throughout the day many will make their way to a service where the ashes will be administered and will mark the start of a 40 day prayer walk. This is a time when we are encouraged to release all the cares and worries, uncertainties and fears that clutter up our beings and make room to receive whatever spirit has to offer. We will spend time realigning ourselves with the universe and tending to the possibilities for new life that await us. At the end of this time we will return, in the light of the resurrection, and perhaps we will be transformed.

May it be so.


© 2017 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury. All rights reserved.