To Return Home

In her book, “ Soul Retrieval, mending the fragmented self” Sandra Ingerman includes in most chapters “ one or more exercises intended to bring you closer to the world of spirit in a gentle and safe way.” In chapter 2  she writes “ When we are all here, or home, its much easier to feel peaceful and secure and in harmony with the greater whole – the universe”. The exercise she provides here is intended to help a person “ feel what it is like to be solid and secure”. It is a short meditation which begins with, as many do, breathing deeply and taking note of the places in your body that are in pain or tense. You are invited to concentrate on those parts, breathing and allowing the body to rid itself of the tension. Then she invites the reader to imagine a place in nature that makes one feel connected and filled with energy.

Sandy Point, Newfoundland


One day last week, as I sat in the sun, listening to the birds singing on my back deck I embarked on this journey.  For me, the place to which I often go when I am feeling disconnected is my ancestral home. This is a little patch of land in Newfoundland that sits at the mouth of the Exploits River as the River flows out into the ocean. Here I have always known the power of love, beauty and joy. I feel the presence of my family and wisdom of my elders. Sitting on my deck, this was the place that the Spirit naturally led me. Upon my return, with pen in hand and paper in front of me this is what flowed from me.


Sandy Point

The tide is low
The sandy river bed stretches
Out, out, out
Big rock, fully exposed
Placed there long ago
A water break
Protection against erosion
A place to lie
To feel the sun
To become one with creation
In the crevices
Little pools of water remain
Lapping gently
The sound calling
To a place of peace, of joy
Love, care and compassion
Dance in the wind
Roots go deep
Down, down, down
Firm and strong
Here, I know that I am One
One with the Universe

AS we travel the journey we call life there are any number of things that turn us upside down – conversations that are difficult, illness, death, work that seems unending, broken relationships….We long for that place of wholeness, to return home. My prayer for you  is that you go to the place that enables you to feel solid and secure. Breathe in its beauty and avail yourself of its strength. Then, as you return carry it with you into this day.
