
The Promise of Spring

It’s that time of year when we long to see green grass and once again feel the warmth of the sun on our skin. It is the promise of Spring and we await with anticipation.

A Time of Gaining Strength

Spring FlowersIt’s that time of year when we are longing for green grass, warmer temperatures and the signs of new life. This week those signs were delivered to my office! A beautiful bouquet of tulips and some delicious goodies now sit on the table in the office and greet me with possibility and promise.

As I enjoy them I am reminded that underneath the snow lie seeds waiting to return to life and blossom with the spring rains and sun. While things appear to be dead they are, in fact , only dormant for a period. This is a time of gaining strength and allowing winter rest time to do what needs to be done for growth to happen. It is something that we tend to lose sight of as we battle the winter snows and the storms that dictate our daily living. But it is reality none-the-less.

As I ponder the mysteries of creation, the time of year and the secrets of the seeds that lie beneath the snow I found myself singing the “The Rose”.  The final verse of that I think says it all:

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun’s love
In the spring becomes the rose.

The Waiting Process and the Promise of Spring

Now I know that the song itself is about love that has caused hurt and a person is struggling in the midst of that. However, this last verse this morning speaks to me about the waiting process; the uncertainty that often comes with the darkness of the winter months; and the reminder that there is something good taking place even when we cannot see it.

This morning the sun is shining. I invite you to stop, turn into the sun, close you eyes, feel it’s warm and know the promise of spring that brings new life to the world.


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