I was sitting at my desk in the office listening to some pretty soothing music drifting in from the hall. Folks are gathering for Yoga and in an hour another group will gather for a mental health support group. It is a very nice way to clue up the day. With the music playing and before I must be in the presence of people again, I sit and my mind wanders.
Even Through the Mundane and the Routine
I think back over the day and am struck by the way that Spirit weaves in and through even the mundane and the routine.
A conversation with a local lawyer about some church property and I am reminded of how important community connection is to the ministry that is mine.
A chance visit by someone seeking help, a phone call to a colleague and I am reminded of how we are the hands and feet of Christ. Together we can lighten the burden and open doors of possibility.
Sitting with Chris to plan Sunday service and I am reminded of how spirit speaks in our weekly preparations. In our celebrations and in our laughter, in our serious conversations and in our theological reflection nuggets of wisdom emerge and I feel the spirit nudging me.
A drop in visit to see some folks I have not seen in a while reminds me that I am surrounded by an amazing support group that extends beyond my faith family.
Sometimes I am so caught up in my doing that I miss these moments of sacred. But when I do stop, look and listen – WOW! I think about the stories recorded in our ancient text. Elijah goes to the mountain cave in search of God. There is an earthquake but no sign of Divine. A fire, and still nothing. It isn’t until all is silent that Elijah can hear Spirit in his life. I leave you with words that I wrote a couple of years ago as thought about this story and the story of Jesus calming the storm.

To Find the Holy
We look to north, south, east and west
to find the holy is our quest.
We climb the hill that we might see
to know the myst’ry and be free
We listen to the gentle breeze
and ponder storms and angry seas
We strain our ears that we might hear
and wait to see Divine appear
We open up our soul and mind
and toss aside the chains that bind.
We know the sacred that we seek,
and in the silence, love we meet.
My prayer for you is that you will take the time to listen for Spirit in the places you least expect to hear it.
© 2020 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury. All rights reserved.