Trust the Journey

Last Thursday I had the opportunity to participate in a retreat that invited us to focus on and tap into the energy of Mary Magdalene. There were many things that I received from that experience but the thing that seems to be staying with me is a line from a Poem that says “ Trust the Journey”. Then on Sunday the Youth Forum planning group shared with us In worship and focused on the journey inviting us to think about the journey that each of us takes physically and spiritually.

During my time as President of Maritime Conference I was invited to join with the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ for their annual meeting. This meant that I would go on a journey. I decided to drive the distance from here to Farmington Maine. I had never driven beyond the border of our own country before.  In actuality, I had never left Canada by any means. This was a new adventure for me and so I prepared the best way that I knew how. I searched Google Maps for directions; I packed my clothes making sure that I had something for warm and cold weather; I filled the gas tank; made sure that I had enough money for the journey; checked to make sure that all the parts of the car were running smoothly; packed some snacks for the road; charged my cell phone  and picked out the music I would listen to on the way. With all of that completed I set out.  The journey was somewhat like I expected but there were some twists and turns along the way. Google maps is directionally challenged and so I was led down a road that was not the right one. When I arrived at the border I was questioned and asked to provide proof that I was who I said I was and going where I said I was going. I wasn’t quite prepared for that and so had to find some paperwork that proved it. ( This was no small task! For those who know me well, you know that paperwork and I do not really get along!) But on the way I also saw things I would never have seen and met people I would never have met.
The Journey

When one is on a spiritual journey the destination is not quite as clear as my trip to Maine but it is very similar nonetheless. We prepare the best we can packing our bag with the tools that will help us along the way. We need to fill our spiritual tank with energy to assist us on the journey and that comes from tapping into whatever our spiritual source of energy happens to be. We need to check out the map and look for the signs that will lead us on the path consulting with our spiritual ancestors and our sacred texts that give us the general direction for where we must go. We must surround ourselves with the supports that will enable us to deal with the twists and turns along the way. While we do not carry a piece of paper that says we are who we say we are and going where we say we are going, we must continually ask the question of ourselves and search diligently to find the answer. The journey we take may not be exactly what we envisioned when we began. There may be detours and wrong roads and unclear directions. But there will also be sights we never dreamed of seeing and people we never imagined we would meet.

Mary Magdalene
by Valerie Peyton Kingsbury

Anointing him for death
She poured perfume
Anointed for life
She found the empty tomb
She held within her, the story
Embraced in power, sent out in love
To tell the world “ Good News!”
With grace and passion she led
Inviting all, as she did
To trust the journey.


© 2014 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury.  All rights reserved.