Upside down

Turn Your World Upside Down

Water taps and the Gospel of Jesus … Everything is backwards! May Jesus turn your world upside down!

It is hard to believe that I am finished vacation and back in the office, yet here I am!

Over the next few weeks we will be busy gearing up for the fall and the many exciting things that will begin mid September (God willing and the creek don’t rise!)

As I reflect on ministry and the many things that we are called to be about as followers of Jesus I can’t help but think about my taps. That’s right, my taps. More specifically the taps in my home in Newfoundland. You see, over the last couple of years most of the taps in the house have been replaced. But each one has been hooked up wrong so that the hot is cold and the cold is hot.

Everything is backwards!

When we arrived this summer it took a couple of days for us to adjust to this reality. With each new arrival came the explanation “Here in Sandy Point things are different. Remember it is the opposite of what you expect.”

One day, after giving the explanation I thought,

“This is the gospel of Jesus!”

Jesus turned everything upside down and offered us a different way of thinking and being. The societal norm was not Jesus’ norm. He said ~

love those who hate you;
if someone strikes you, turn the other cheek;
forgive 70 times 7;
if someone asks for your shirt, give them your coat as well;
we must become like little children to enter Divine realm…..

and the examples go on. Jesus’ way was and is, in many cases, the opposite of what we might expect. So my taps, have become a daily reminder of how I should live as a follower of Jesus.

May Jesus turn your world upside down and change the way you think and live!
