Two People Are Better Than One

The Gathering Time

Last evening I met with some of my colleagues in ministry and we spent some time in conversation and as usual we solved all the problems of the church and world in our time together.  🙂 Part of the conversation was around the need for us to do this more often. In our time of support and care there are moments of release, clarity, and understanding. Unfortunately this gathering time is the quite often the first thing that is dropped off the agenda when work and life get busy and, in fact, it should be the last thing dropped.

Navigate with Companions

As I reflect on this I can’t help but wonder why this happens, not only for us in ordered ministry but for all of us. How often do we pull back into ourselves when the road gets rough? How often do we neglect the friendships in our lives when work gets busy? I think I am safe in saying that this happens a lot. Yet as people of faith we state that community and relationships are of the utmost importance. In our creed we boldly proclaim that we are not alone. We acknowledge, with our lips anyway, that the road we travel is better navigated with companions. That is the message that Jesus gives as well. When he began his ministry he gathered around him a group of trusted individuals with whom he could share the journey. When he sent them out to carry out ministry he sent them out in twos. Never did he say you go on now by yourself and do it all or try to figure it out on your own.

Share the Burden

Time and time again we learn the life lesson that it is better to share the burden than to carry it alone. We know that when it comes to figuring out something it helps to have another voice. We know this and still we have difficulty doing it.  John Johansen-Berg  writes

“Often when taking our own journey we find ourselves in a cul-de-sac or at a crossroads not knowing which road to go or on a roundabout where we circle endlessly. Journeying with others we find the way as we go with purpose, guided by divine Spirit, towards a common goal.”

Two People Are Better Than One

In the Book of Ecclesiastes it is written

Two better than one“Two people are better than one for they get a better return for their work. For if one flags, the other gives support; but woe to the solitary person who falls and has no one to provide support. And if two sleep together they keep each other warm; how can a person stay warm while alone? One alone is easily overpowered; two provide protection for each other; and a rope of three strands is not easily broken.”

May we tend carefully the soil of our relationships drawing from them the nutrients that are necessary for growth and giving to them the water of life.


© 2014 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury. All Rights Reserved.

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