What A Gift

On Monday of this week Mark and I travelled with my sister and her husband to the South Coast of Newfoundland. This is a part of the island that Mark had never seen before and I have visited only briefly once or twice and I had never really been able, on those trips, to take in the beauty and wonder of this place.

Monday’s tour took us through six small fishing villages along the coast. Each one had its own beauty and wonder (Belleoram, Boxey, English Harbour, Wreck Cove, Harbour Breton, Coombs Cove).  As we wandered through the villages one could not help but wonder what went through the minds of the first settlers who arrived on these shores. Houses are built on the rocky cliffs around the bays and the land is certainly not flat. Yet here, people found ways to plant gardens, harvest the ocean and create a space called home. The smallest of these communities only had a population of about 30 and the largest about 1000 and each one had a at least one church.

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We stayed in the Anglican rectory in Harbour Breton, the last of the communities we visited and one of the points that my sister serves as the priest. On Monday night we walked through the village stopping along the way so that we could be introduced to some folks and each one asked my sister if she had taken us up Gun Hill yet.

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On Tuesday morning we set out to climb Gun Hill. At the base of this hill we were about 20 feet above sea level and we climbed another 580 feet to the top. I had to stop several times along the way but I did make it to the top and what a gift!!! Here one can sit and view the entire village below and the surrounding area. Looking out to sea you can see islands that were once inhabited and been resettled and you can see all the way to France! I kid you not! On the horizon, on a clear day, you can see the coastline of St. Pierre Miquelon.

Psalm 104

As I sat on the top of the hill and looked out over the vast expanse below I found myself reflecting again on the psalms, in particular psalm 104. Upon my return I sat for a while with this psalm and the view from Gun Hill in my mind and this paraphrase came to me.

My soul rejoices in the energy of the Universe!
The presence of Divine can be felt in creation,
Clothed in splendour and majesty!
The earth is set on its foundation and cannot be moved
Springs flow between the mountains
And give water to the beasts of the fields.
The birds of the air make their nests and sing among the branches
Grass grows for the cattle
Planted seeds bring forth food from the earth
The oceans are alive with life
Humanity goes forth to work,
To labour until evening.

Divine light and life can be seen and felt!
My spirit sings!

Paraphrase by Valerie Peyton Kingsbury

It is so easy to forget the wonder that surrounds us. We take for granted the earth that has been entrusted to us and we walk upon it without thought of the footprint we make. This day I invite you to take a moment to stop and really see the beauty that exists in this amazing world. Breathe deeply the breath of life and rest in the gentle embrace of the splendour and majesty of the Divine and may your spirit sing!

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© 2016 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury. All rights reserved.