Always Reasons to Dance

And remember, that light in the darkness comes in little things. Think of the blessing in your life – what makes you smile or laugh in the midst of uncertainties. You will find strength.

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These have been a draining couple of weeks as we live into the clean up from Fiona. This clean up will, no doubt, take a great deal of time and some folks are still without power. You can feel the heaviness in the air and it is easy to get caught in this space. This is certainly where I was last Thursday as I drove down Robie Street heading home to another day without power. I must admit that I was feeling a little sorry for myself at that moment and well into the doldrums.

Then it happened! 

On the sidewalk was this woman. She might have been listening to music or not, I do not know for certain, but she was dancing. Caught in her own joyful abandon and simply enjoying wherever she was headed. It was amazing. Now, I doubt that she was thinking about anyone else at that moment and she probably had no idea the effect that her dancing would have on a passerby, but I began to smile and even chuckle a little. In that moment I was reminded that

there are always reasons to dance

and that light in the darkness comes in the little things –

a special song that sets you dancing;

a cup of hot coffee from a neighbour as you work;

stories shared with friends that make you laugh;

sharing a bbq with the neighbours from the food that has thawed in the freezer and being blessed with community;

having inane conversations with your sisters on social media;

…and so much more.

We are headed into thanksgiving weekend and we are blessed even among the struggles that we now face. Stop, listen and look around you. Where are the blessings in your life? Where does the light shine? What makes you smile, or laugh in the midst of uncertainties? Think of those and allow your spirit to be filled and there you will find the strength for all the other things you have to deal with.

May it be so


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