As a child of the universe

On Sunday many Christian communities celebrated the baptism of Jesus. This is the event that marked the beginning of his ministry. In this moment he was claimed, consecrated and sent out. His ministry would bring light, love and challenge to a broken and hurting world. We celebrate the gospel he proclaimed and the life he lived that was marked by justice and the breaking down of barriers.

I was blessed this past week to witness and participate in the baptism of my grandson, Riley. I cannot help but imagine where the journey will take him and how he will fulfill his ministry as a child of the universe.

Over the last month 5 of our family have finished their earthly journey and their spirits have been released back into the universe from whence they came. Each of them at one point came to the waters and were claimed as Christ’s own forever. As I look back over their lives I see the ways in which they have lived into their own ministries and embodied the life of Jesus in this time and place.

Some sang the song of the universe and brought joy into the lives of many;

others visited the sick; fed the hungry and

others were a voice of justice and hope in the world.

for their gifts I give thanks!

In baptism we are claimed and consecrated and sent out to be the hands and feet of Christ. You are a beloved child and you are blessed. May you live into your calling and be a blessing to the world.


© 2018 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury. All rights reserved.