I resolved to walk the road to Bethlehem

We have once again turned a corner and ushered in a new year. It is hard to believe that 2018 has begun and within the next week we will put away our Christmas decorations for another year. This is a time when people are busy making resolutions as they look at the blank slate in front of them. Perhaps it is to…

  • quit something
  • take something up
  • change a behaviour
  • face a challenge
  • spend more time with family

right a wrong….. whatever you have resolved to do this coming year I pray you have strength, courage and success!

I resolved to walk the road to Bethlehem

For me the new year began with the first Sunday of Advent. It was then that I turned my face again toward something that has the power to change the world. I resolved to walk the road to Bethlehem and open myself to whatever Spirit had to offer. Now the real journey begins as we move away from the stable and the wonderous birth of a child to embrace who and what this child became.

We will be faced again with the decision to follow him out into the market place and to be his hands and feet in this time and place.

My prayer, as we move into 2018, is

that we will have ears to hear the voice of the one who calls us to step out on a new road;

that we will have the eyes to see the possibilities that lie before us; and

that we will have the resolve to follow wherever the spirit leads.


© 2017 Rev. Valerie Peyton Kingsbury