This encounter reminded me how important the small things can be. A simple act of kindness makes a huge difference, like oil on troubled waters of life.
So let us not grow weary in doing what is good, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all,
Galatians 6:9-10
This past week I was made aware of the fact that there was a positive COVID case at one of our assisted living facilities. I proceeded to check in with the members of our faith family who are residing there. As part of the conversations, since the facility is in locked down, I asked if there was anything they needed. My friend Emily responded that she could do with some grapeseed oil as she was hoping to make muffins. I said no problem and that I would get her some.
Shortly after our conversation Emily emailed me and asked that I disregard her request. She wrote
“That was a knee-jerk answer, as I had just mentioned to Don that we were out of cooking oil. Ha – that won’t change the rotation of the earth…”
Nevertheless, I picked up the oil when I dropped by for groceries and then brought it over to her. That was the last I thought about it. Then on Monday I received another email with these words.
Like Oil on Troubled Waters
~ by Emily
Like oil on troubled waters
my cooking is now set free
The oil of soothing massage
has been given to me.
Like oil on troubled waters
your kindness and your care
reaches out like tendrils,
to me, to everywhere.
Like oil on troubled waters,
the earth unseals her pores
when good deeds, large or small
open up closed and cold doors.
I asked Emily if I could share this with you and she said, ” of course”.
This encounter and these words reminded me how important the small things can be. A simple act of kindness makes a huge difference in our lives especially in these days when we live under restrictions and uncertainty. Having oil to bake muffins, won’t change the rotation of the earth but it might just bring a smile and a sense of normal into the troubled waters of life.
Be kind to one another.

What a love.y story Valerie! I love the poem Emily wrote. You are so right that little kindnesses can brighten a day.