As we continue on a path toward reconciliation and peace may our words and actions be guided by love. May we tend what needs tending; may we learn to ask for and offer forgiveness when it is needed; may we speak truth to power and never walk away on the other side.
Fresh on the minds of many this week is the news of the mass grave with the remains of 215 Indigenous Children in it. This rises in our midst and reminds us of the atrocities that are embedded in our not so distant past. I can only begin to imagine the pain and anguish that parents felt when their children were not returned home to them for proper burial and the collective anger that must now run through those families again.
I feel anger rising up within
My heart aches as I imagine these children whose life ended without the love and care of family and friends. And I feel anger rising up within as I name that these schools were run in the name of Jesus and by people who pledged to walk in his way.
I wonder how the Christian message of love, compassion, justice and joy could become so perverted. Then I am reminded that this is not the first atrocity carried out in Jesus’ name and unfortunately it will not be the last.
So what do I do with all of this?
First I ground myself in the ministry of Jesus and ask what would he do? From the stories passed on to us, the answer to that is quite clear.
Like the Samaritan I must stop and tend to the broken and the hurt and make sure I do not turn away or walk on the other side. Like the people who brought the injured man to Jesus and lowered him through the roof, I must be willing to go the extra mile to ensure that those who need it are tended.
Like Jesus himself, who confronted authority and called for justice, I must be willing to speak truth to power. Like Jesus, who was open to change and willing to admit when he was wrong, I must give voice to the deplorable behaviour exhibited by my ancestors and seek forgiveness to forge a new way ahead. And following the commandment of Jesus I must love my neighbour as myself.
Council Comes (Based on Psalm 4)
Alone in the stillness of the night
I cry out!
There is room for my lament
and my distress.
Held in Divine embrace
I know my voice is heard.
And council comes.. in whispers on the wind
Be angry, but do not act in anger
Seek the truth and do what is right
Know the words of your heart
Speak only with grace.
The stress of my being is calmed
and I lie down to sleep in peace.
May our words and actions be guided by love
As we continue on a path toward reconciliation and peace may our words and actions be guided by love. May we tend what needs tending; may we learn to ask for and offer forgiveness when it is needed; may we speak truth to power and never walk away on the other side. Together we can forge a way that leads all of earth’s children into a brighter day.
May it be so