These last couple of weeks I have returned to building things and it has been so much fun. Watching the vision in my head take shape and form, finding the right stain and then seeing the finished project. I’m not a pattern person which is both good and bad. This means that I am not tied to trying to do things the way someone else designed but it also means that I am never 100% sure how it will look when I am done.
The Kitchen Centre
Some of the projects I have tackled lately have been around using up some of the odds and ends in my workroom to create items for my grandsons. The kitchen centre is my favourite. It was constructed from odds and ends of wood, a variety of types, old cds for burners and bottle caps for knobs. Now the wood I used is not what would be recommended and, in fact, some might suggest that I shouldn’t use it because it is not the right type. But that is where not using a pattern is great! (and not having someone there to tell me the way I should do it)
With nothing to tell me that I can’t use this or that, or do this or that, I could do anything!
And I did!

Moving from "I Can't"
How much, I wonder do we not do because we are told that we can’t? How much do we not do because we are told we do not have the right materials? In my experience, it is a lot! And yet, when those negative things are removed; when we allow ourselves to just vision and do it, it is amazing what can happen.
As individuals and as communit, I think, we get caught up in the right way to do it; or having the right instruments or materials to make it happen, and we become paralyzed and do nothing.
How sad that is and how much we miss!
Even if what we create doesn’t turn the way we thought or wanted, the act of trying provides so many opportunities for learning and growing.
My Prayer
My prayer is that we might move from I can’t to I can and as community from we can’t to we can. When that happens, I believe, that we will be far more than we could ever ask or imagine.
May it be so