I have no idea what will happen in terms of seeds taking root. But what I do know is that if I plant nothing, then nothing will grow.
Gardening has been the topic of conversation and of action here this last month. People have been busy planting seeds that will yield fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, trees, all manner of the wonderful things of creation that feed body and soul. Some people start their seeds in tiny pots inside, placing them in the sun and watering daily, watching as they take root. Every day, as tiny shoots of green appear it brings a sense of possibility and the promise of something even greater. Eventually, as the weather warms and the threat of frost disappears these seeds will be placed into the soil of a garden where, hopefully they will send down their roots and continue to flourish. Some people are busy tending the ground that will be the garden and are waiting till the final frost of the season to plant seeds directly into the ground with the anticipation of what might be.

If I plant Nothing, Nothing will grow
I joined in this adventure, even though gardening has never been something that I excel at. I started by resurrecting the overgrown flower beds created years ago by my parents. I dug up the sod that had taken over, added new soil and purchased some flowers from the nursery that will eventually take up residence in these two beds at the front of my house. I have another new place in process where I will scatter some other seeds, just to see what happens. It has been a wonderful process, handling the earth and dreaming of what might grow in my little garden. Since my track record is not great, I have no idea what will happen in terms of seeds taking root. But what I do know is that if I plant nothing, then nothing will grow. So, I plant and leave the growing up to the universe.
We are called to do this very same thing as disciples of Jesus. We till the soil and plant the seeds of love, joy, possibility, justice and we allow these seeds to take root in the soil we call community, nourished and tended by creator and creation. What we plant might not take root, but we plant none-the-less because the only guarantee is that if we plant nothing then nothing will grow. However, if we plant the seeds then the possibilities are endless and the result might just be a beautiful garden that, in turn, nourishes body, mind and spirit.
May you take the chance and plant seeds wherever you are so that, together, we might transform our community into a place that brings light and love.
May it be so