Lent for me, this year, has been a time of challenge, of sorrow, of deep listening and of companioning a whole host of people through grief, fear, anxiety, death, uncertainty, illness. Now while I do this regularly, sometimes, like the last month, there seems to be a whole lot more to hold in my heart. And I hold each of you as best I can.
So I share this prayer
With all of this running through my heart today I share a prayer, first penned by Author Ann Weems. Her words speak my prayers for those of you I know and hold close and for all who I do not know but whose journey I also hold
We Pray this day ...
for all who have a song they cannot sing
for all who have a burden they cannot bear
for all who live in chains they cannot break
for all who wander homeless and cannot return
for those who are sick and those who tend them
for those who wait for loved ones and wait in vain
for those who live in hunger and for those who will not share their bread
for those who are misunderstood and those who misunderstand
for those who are captives and for those who are captors
for those whose words of love are locked within their hearts
and for those who yearn to hear those words.
May each of us be met this day by spirit tending our souls in whatever way we need most; may we know divine presence walking with us; and may we know a moment of peace.
You are the hands and feet of Jesus, as well as all that follow him try to be, with you leading, we’ll always do all we can do. You are gifted, and always do all you can. You are an inspiration to all that know and love you. …and even Jesus needed rest.
Thank you for all you do, and for sharing your whole heart, always.
Remember to refill your own vessel dear one, as generously as you refill ours. Love and Blessings, Laurie.