Connecting with the energy that we call God happens for each of us in a different way. Get a sense of what it is for me. How about you?
This week, on Monday morning, I arrived at the office and looked around at the space where Chris and I do most of our work. It had become somewhat of a disaster zone! Things had collected on furniture and on the floor, that definitely did not belong. Everything was covered in a layer of grit from the recent installation of the heat pump and there was total disorganization. So, it was obvious to me that it was time to clean house! Reverend Cathy had recently moved into her office and created this beautiful peaceful place.
This became my inspiration.

Chris and I began working. We
cleaned the surfaces;
moved the furniture;
cleaned out the bookshelves; and
threw out the things that no longer held meaning.
Then we went on a scavenger hunt looking for furniture that would enhance our space.
Five hours later, following much laughter and hard work, our space was transformed.
For Me, A Form of Meditation
Later in the day I had a visitor and we were able to sit in our calming and refreshing meeting space and enjoy some time together. When they left, with the candle glowing in the centre on the table, free from all the clutter, I realized once again that this whole process is for me a form of meditation.
With everything I let go of, my spirit lightens; with every piece of furniture moved, there is a shifting within my being, as if my thoughts and feelings are being rearranged; with every surface cleaned, there is a cleansing of my soul; and with my physical space cleared away my soul is renewed.
The Energy We Call God
Connecting with the energy that we call God happens for each of us in a different way. What does this for you? Is it creating a meal or knitting or crafting? Is it taking time to sit with a good book and lose yourself in it? Is it meditation of a different sort? Whatever it is, do it and be renewed.