Today our treasure hunt takes us out to look for a sign or a doorway that indicates transition. What is spirit saying ? Where is Divine in this?
Yesterday we took the day off and went to visit with our daughter. On the drive I stopped to take this picture.
My Picture for Week 6

I had observed a number of different signs along the way and this sign several times. When I saw it I immediately thought about this week’s treasure and what it might be saying in light of where we are in the journey. This is of course a sign that indicates that there is a cross road just ahead. This Sunday is Palm Sunday. It is a a of transition for us as we move from Lent into the final week of Jesus life. When Jesus and the disciple first walked into Jerusalem they were at a cross roads. Did any of them know exactly what would happen over the coming week? Probably not. However, they certainly knew that Jesus had angered the authorities and that there would be consequences. The disciples were at a crossroad in the journey. Would they follow Jesus into whatever was to come? or would they walk away?
I think that this was also a crossroad for Jesus. He needed to make a decision – would he continue the path that he had been walking or may turn in a different direction. I imagine that he knew, if he continued, after this day there was no turning back. He and the disciples decided to continue. As they did it was with Divine mystery surrounding them, upholding them and empowering them. They knew they did not walk alone.
We come to many crossroads in our own journey and each time we must pause to make some decisions about the direction that we are going. I know, for me at least, when I come to these places there is always that time of deep discernment where I listen for what spirit is saying to me. I call on divine love to surround me and inform the decision that I need to make. It is not always easy and sometimes the decisions require a certain amount of risk and challenge. What I do know is that divine presence is with me, that divine love surrounds me and that I will be strengthened and empowered to walk the road that is before me.
When you come to your crossroad, my prayer for you is that you will know the presence and power of divine mystery in such a way that you will be empowered to go wherever spirit is calling.
May it be so