Our treasure hunt today takes us out into creation to find a path or a roadway of some sort. How does this speak to you about God/Divine/Spirit?
And Always It Leads Me Home
As I thought about this what came to mind for me is that there are many different kinds of roadways and paths and immediately I was taken to my river. In early years this river was used as a passageway for people, goods and logs from the mill.
For me the river is a symbol of possibility and of connection. It leads out into the ocean and can take one to destinations unknown and always it brings me home. For me that is very much like the path of faith and the journey with divine. It is expansive and can lead to places I do not know. It can be peaceful and calm bringing great rest for the soul. It can be turbulent, with a need to be very attentive and to navigate with care. And always it leads me home.
My River

On the wall in my office hangs a tile creation, given to me many years ago by a dear friend. It’s words speak a truth that resonates with my soul and gives a connection with creation and creator.

May you find your pathway that always leads you home.