Deep Spirituality is the foundation for everything else that we do. It is the fuel for the fire of our discipleship.
For the first half of this week, I gathered with colleagues from across the region for our annual clergy retreat. It was, for me, a wonderful time to make new friends and to reconnect with old friends.
Our theme for the three days was “Deep Spirituality” and we spent time reflecting with one another on what this looks like for us individually and as a community. In the down times we gathered around the table, sharing in stories and much laughter. It was indeed a life-giving time.
During our worship on Tuesday we were invited into a time of storytelling. Using the technique known as “Godly Play’ Susan shepherded us through a story called the “Glass Bridge”. Each person placed themselves into the story and our reflections opened up a variety of learnings that connected us to our faith story, our community story and our individual story. Spirit weaved among us and we were touched by Holy Mystery.
Deep Spirituality
Horacio Mesones, one of our partners from Argentina, who was with us reflected on Deep Spirituality and offered us these thoughts.
“Deep Spirituality”, he suggested, “is linked to a context, rooted in love, lived out in community, connected to history, moves us forward into the future and it involves body, mind, and voice.”
Deep Spirituality is the Foundation
Deep Spirituality, I believe, is the foundation for everything else that we do. It is the fuel for the fire of our discipleship. Connected to that something that is beyond and within us, Holy Mystery, we are fed for the journey and empowered to carry out the ministry that has been entrusted to us. How this spirituality is fed and nurtured is different for each one of us.. As we went around the room there were many spiritual practices named – singing, dancing, knitting, walking, meditating, drumming, writing, worshipping, cooking, making music, sitting in silence …
The important part is not what we do but that we each tap into the thing that brings us into presence of Spirit and opens us for transformation.
My prayer for each of you is that you will connect to spirit and open yourselves to wherever spirit moves you to go. May it propel you into the future, transforming the very landscape in which you live, and bring hope into the shadowed places of this world.
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